How do I?

Register as a patient


Make an appointment

We are doing most appointments on online consult, so you wont have to wait in the surgery. You can book a Same day appointments.  The Doctor will call you if you need to be seen or examined they will ask you to come in. 
You can make an telephone appointment with us up to 4 weeks in advance if you need to plan your time.
If you have a care plan and have been advised that you are a high risk patient and (usually you will be over 75, or have a long term condition) then you will have priority access to your GP.
If you need to cancel an appointment please ring us or send a text to 07930664375, stating:


  • your name and 
  • the appointment time. 

If you cancel an appointment it means that someone else can see the doctor in that time and makes it quicker for everyone to make appointments.

Repeat prescriptions

If you are on regular medication we will give you a list of what you take. When you need more tick the items you need and give it, post it (with sae) or email it to us. Your prescription will be issued in 48 hrs.  

  • Please don’t ask for repeats over the phone unless you are housebound. Mistakes are too easy to make.  
  • We will still need to see you occasionally to check you are okay. 
  • We can also arrange repeat dispensing and medicine reviews with a pharmacist

To ensure you are on the most appropriate regime we require a prescription review at least once a year.

Why not order your prescriptions online through patient access? you can do this 24 hours a day from the comfort of your own home


We can send your medications to any pharmacy of your choice electronically so that you can collect them direct from your chemist. If you are housebound, most pharmacies will deliver to your doorstep.

Obtain results
