Prepaid prescriptions for Long Term Conditions Eligibility

You could get help to pay for:

  • NHS prescriptions
  • NHS dental treatment
  • sight tests, glasses and contact lenses
  • travel to receive NHS treatment
  • NHS wigs and fabric supports

Find out what help you could get and what to do next using our eligibility checker. 

It usually takes 3 minutes to check.

Who gets help

The help you’re entitled to depends on where you live and if you:

Check before you tick

If you’re unsure or waiting to find out if you’re eligible for help, pay your NHS charge. Checks are made on claims for free NHS prescriptions and free and reduced cost dental treatment. If you claim incorrectly you could have to pay a penalty charge.

If you find out you’re eligible, you can apply for a refund. For refund details read the HC11 booklet (PDF: 156KB)

Apply for help to pay NHS costs

If you do not qualify for the help that you need, you can apply for help. You could be eligible depending on your household income and outgoings.